Bringing theLittle Brown Jug Home

I look for the Wolverines to win this one by a score of 35 to 17.
I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.
Some critics on the software itself.
1. The biggest drawback is you can only use it at one table at a time and I was almost always playing two tables at a minimum. I did play one table purposely a couple of times just to use Pokerbility.
2. It was very big and took up a lot of my screen, too.
3. It can’t be used with a 4 color deck, yet.
I used it on Titan Poker and Royal Vegas Poker sites (both supported by the software) and I used the default settings. I thought it ran slow and oftentimes I had made a decision before Pokerbility had or I was running out of time and had to decide what to do with my hand. When it was working optimally the decisions it was making for me were ones I had already made or knew that was what to do with my hand. It did recommend folding some pocket pairs I got dealt (which I disagreed with) and I went ahead and played them in an attempt to get a set. This happened with pocket 5s and any pocket pair below that.
Overall I didn’t really care for it much and at $80 dollars I thought it was a bit pricey. I would rather spend $50 and get Poker Tracker and additional money for Heads Up display. I think Poker Tracker would be much more valuable to me than Pokerbility.
Overall I give it a -EV rating.
....... and the 'S' on my forehead does stand for Stupid. I have been clearing my bonus on Royal Vegas Poker by playing the .50/$1 Limit Tables. There is nothing wrong with that but to get credit for a raked hand and to clear my raked hands bonus for Poker Savvy I can do it playing the .25/.50 Limit Tables. I am comfortable playing the higher tables but there is the potential to lose more money and right now what we want to do is just clear the bonus and playing the lower limit tables lets us clear the same amount of raked hands with less chance of losing large amounts. My goal is to be a winning poker player but I have to temper that by clearing bonuses so as not to lose the bonus money in the process.
I have raked 160 hands at Royal Vegas Poker so I need less than 100 raked hands to earn myPoker Savvy points. Royal Vegas is worth 450 Poker Savvy points which is equivalent to $45 dollars. I should have the hands raked by the week-end and then I am going to continue until I rake 1000 hands to clear the Royal Vegas bonus. I should be able to do that by Halloween or sooner.
Right now I am down about $17 dollars and a lot of that is from playing marginal hands in an attempt to clear the bonus quicker. I am going to slow down now and play smarter and try to earn back that $17 plus some as well as clear the bonus.
I'm almost halfway to clearing the 2500 raked hands on Titan Poker needed to earn my Poker Savvy points. That is going to take a bit longer but I am going to stay with it and may have it done by Halloween, too.
Ryder Cup week and we are the underdogs for the first time in, maybe, forever. The European Ryder Cup teams have pretty much dominated the last ten years of Ryder Cup matches and they are on their home turf this year playing in Ireland. The Americans should have no trouble finding motivation to beat the Europeans. It would be nice to jump out to an early lead in the matches but the first two days have historically favored the Europeans with the Americans making a charge during Sunday's Head-to-Head matches.
They are calling for wind and rain so I'm not sure the weather is going to favor either team. They both have to play in the same conditions so it should be a wash but some are saying the wet conditions will favor the Europeans.
Paul Casey of the European team just blitzed a tremendous filed in last week's match play event and should be ready to go this week. It will be interesting to see how he does as, oftentimes, someone who is hot in one event has trouble sustaining that in the next tournament.
It is up to the United States team to go out and play good golf and send the Eruopeans packing.
Michigan 21 Notre Dame 17
I jumped back on my Limit Challenge bicycle this morning and was able to break out of my slump and record a tidy little profit of $9 dollars. That coupled with clearing $10 dollars of my Titan bonus made this morning even nicer.
I am just half way to clearing my PokerSavvy bonus through Titan so another month or so and I should be there. As soon as i get my money back from Crazy Poker ($20 dollar bonus cleared) I will be loading Royal Vegas Poker to start clearing their bonus. My goal is to have my PokerSavvy bonus for Titan and Royal Vegas cleared by Halloween.
You may be wondering why I am taking so long and it is for a couple of reasons of which the first is that I don't multitable (at least not to the extent of many who play 4 or more tables at a time). I play just two tables at a time so that I can concentrate on my opponents. Secondly, I want to clear the bonus, not multitable and end up losing all of the bonus money and not have anything to show for it. I am in the process of building my bankroll so that I will be able to move up in limits with a bigger bankroll. Then I can clear more bonuses quicker. It should be self perpetuating as long as I continue to win more money than I lose. Actually, I can break even in my Poker playing or lose just a bit and still clear a pretty nice bonus. That is worse case scenario. Overall, though, I want to be a winning poker player.
My Limit Challenge has taken a decided downturn as I have lost $40 dollars in the last 5 days. Today I had A/A two times in 3 hands and lost both of them to the same person. The first time they rivered a jack for a set and the second time they called my preflop raise with Jack/10 and got the jack on the flop and the ten on the turn to beat me w/ two pair. That is very, very hard to take as you expect to win with your aces and to get them cracked twice in three hands leaves you wondering what you did to piss off the poker Gods.
I am trying to be a tight/aggressive player and I am playing less than 20% of the flops so the majority of the time I am going in with the best hand but that is only worth so much as the best hand only counts once all of the cards are played. Yesterday I had King/King, Jack/Jack, and 10/10 broken. The Kings were done when an Ace came on the flop. The Jacks were done when the flop showed Queen/King/rag. Can’t remember how I lost with the tens, probably a flush. It seems like I am losing every race. When I am on a flush draw, it doesn’t come in and when my opponent is on a flush draw, BAM!!, they get their card on the river. Yesterday I played pocket deuces from the BB and was fortunate enough to get a deuce on the flop for a set. Ah, but not quite good enough as runner/runner spades garnered the flush for a luckbox and I was left holding the bag. And the bag was empty.
I’m not telling bad beat stories to garner sympathy but this blog is to help me think through what I am doing wrong, get some needed help from other players, and to get things like this out of my system so I don’t dwell on them and become a basket case.
Now I have to decide if I should drop down in limits for my challenge. I don’t have a problem with that other than it makes it hard for me to clear my Titan points. I think I am going to take tomorrow off from poker and play some golf and then get back at it on Saturday. Things have to turn around at some time. I just have to keep playing good cards and playing them correctly. If I do that I am giving myself the best chance to win. If the cards fall differently or other players stay in a hand they have no reason to be in and suck out on me, then……………..that’s poker. Not much you can do about that.