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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Professional Poker Player

I didn’t think it was fair to use household money to pay for my golf so for the past six years I have worked a part time job every spring, employed by the largest tax preparation agency in the United States. I was professional Tax Preparer. It was an excellent part time job in that it was for a limited amount of time and the money was more than enough to pay for my golf membership at Briar Ridge Golf Course.

There were drawbacks to this job, also. It was in the heart of winter with February being the peak season for tax preparation and February in Michigan is usually pretty harsh. You had to have quite a bit of continuing education which meant that I had to take specialized tax preparation classes in the summer and fall. And, don’t forget this, it was a Job with a capital J. That means you had to adhere to your schedule and work the hours you were assigned. You had to give up almost every week-end from February 1st through March 31st. You had to answer to a supervisor, a boss if you will, just like any other job.

“Why?”, you ask am I bringing this all up now? Last week I officially resigned from my Part Time Job. Online Poker is my new part time job. I have made enough money playing poker on-line to pay for my golf. I guess that makes me a Professional Poker Player. The combination of earning Bonuses from the online poker rooms and earning Savvy Points through PokerSavvy has helped me build a bank roll that is sufficient to pay for my Golf Membership.

There are many advantages to being a professional Poker Player. I can work out of my home. This is a job that I can do year around with the big plus that winters in Michigan are perfect for staying indoors and playing poker online. I set my own schedule of when I want to play and for how long. And, the best reason, I am my own boss. I only answer to me (and Mrs. Wolverine, lets not get crazy here!).

I have stated in past blogs that my goal in playing Poker was to make money. That was my one goal. I wanted to average $10 dollars a day to be able to pay for my golf and a nice vacation for me and Mrs. Wolverine. I am close to achieving that goal. I know there will be variance and there will be losses but presently the combination of Poker room bonuses and Poker Savvy points is sufficient to cover my golf membership and the vacation money is slowly building, too. I enjoy the mental stimulation of the game, too.


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