Online Poker is Rigged
You go to any Poker Forum and you will find a thread about how internet poker is rigged. Sometimes I come very, very close to believing that what the donkeys are saying is true. For instance, I played at Full Tilt yesterday for a short while. I played two $2.20 Heads Up No Limit games and I was unable to hit one flop. My opponent was hitting everything. Straights, pairs, sets, you name it whatever he had came on the board and he easily put me away. The second game was more of the same with the clincher being that I was dealt A/Q and went all in. He called with pocket 4s. A 4 came on the flop to give him a set and the turn was an Ace and the river was a Queen to give me two pair. GG me. No only did he hit every freaking hand he played but in the end he gets the set playing shitty 4/4 and my two pair send me packing.
The same pretty much was happening on the .50/$1 Limit Holdem table I was playing. I was getting great hands but couldn't buy a flop for the life of me and my opponents were hitting everything. The culmination was when I had A/Q of spades which I raised from late position to get called by the big blind, flop was Ks, Kc, Ad. he bets, I raise and he calls. Turn was 8c. He bets, I raiseand he calls. The river was Js. He checks, I bet, he raises and I think, uh-oh. I make the crying call only to see the donkey turn over K/J for the full house. The card that gave me my flush gave him his full house and that cost me a few dollars.
It's days like that when I am not hitting anything, losing money left and right, that I just get the feeling that maybe online poker is rigged.
The problem I have though, is that I am so damn lovable, why would the game be rigged against me?