I was out surfing the Poker Sites on the net when I came across this post at
Pokerati regarding "Pro-family" groups and their campaign against Congress rescinding the UIGEA. The article is here,
Focus on the Family Action, Others Urge Congress to Guard Gambling Law. This is scary because the groups behind this have a track record of getting things to go their way. They have deep pockets and the tactics they use seem to be very effective in getting legislation passed that they support. And, conversely, getting legislation
they do not support squashed.
I never thought it would be easy to get the UIGEA overturned or get a carve out for Poker. I guess I was hoping for the changes to come that I never thought about the opposition and how maniacal they would be in making sure there were no inroads to overturning the UIGEA.
God help us (no pun intended).
What is the current situation with online poker in the US of A Wolv? I have been out of touch with it really, but our PM is looking over our legislations in September and he has already shown he dissaproves of gambling....
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