Better Results
All I could do was shake my head and keep playing quality cards. I was able to come back from that minor setback to turn a small profit. I was quite proud of myself as I didn't let that donkish play tilt me and I stayed true to my game and was able to rebuild with less than stellar cards. My raising caused for a lot of folds and I would only win the blinds but I did get played back at a couple of times and I was fortunate enough to hit the flops and take down a few smallish pots.
All in all I was quite happy with how I played and the small profit I was able to generate.
Mrs. Wolverine and I have just finished watching the first two seasons of the Showtime series Weeds on DVD. We really liked the first season but wasn't overly thrilled with the second season and how the characters were developing. Mary Louise-Parker plays Nancy Botwin. Her husband died of a heart attack and left her little or no money. To make ends meet and continue the suburban lifestyle she is accustomed to she sells marijuana. The show is about her "job". The first season was cute and made us laugh a lot at the zany cast of characters.
The second season was less than stellar. The circumstances that the characters put themselves into began to be more mean spirited and less funny. We began to not care for any of the main characters because of their actions. This made the show much less enjoyable than it had been.
The music is the one constant that was outstanding in both seasons 1 and 2. The theme song is a catchy protest song written by Malvina Reynolds in the 1950s and the songs within the show and at the end of each episode were spot on. The songs were quirky and totally perfect for the scene they were tied to.
We will probable watch season number 3 but we hope it goes into a different direction than season 2 went into.