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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Turbo SitNGos

My play at the microstakes Turbo SitNGos continues and after 65 games I have a ROI of .28. It was higher but I hit a bad stretch and that knocked it down. My last 10 games have been much better and I have finished in the money on 7 of them. I am not getting rich by playing these but it is fun and fast so I guess they have that going for them. I said I was going to move up in stakes and I did for a bit but then dropped back down because the lower stakes fill up so much faster and I can have 4 games going within 10 minutes of sitting down at my computer. The higher stakes games take much longer to fill up.

My short stack micro-stakes No Limit game took a hit on Absolute last night, dropping just over two buyins in about an hour. Worse hand was when my A/K lost to K/5 when he rivered his 5. Why he was playing that hand is a mystery but that is what you get at microstake's play. If you are going to play the microstakes you have to get use to that type of play but my bankroll isn't enough to move to higher stakes yet. I can't say the I am emotionally set to lose to donkey hands like that as it takes everything I have not to tilt after losing a stack to such a shit hand.
I am drinking Leinenkugel's Big Butt Doppelbock and am really enjoying it. So far, to me, it is the closest taste that I have come to Moose Drool yet. Dopplebock is a dark brew and very malty but not quite as malty as Moose Drool. Leinenkugel's Big Butt Doppelbock is only available from January through March. It is a nice winter drink.

Beer Advocate only rated this beer as a C+ and most of the ratings stated it wasn't a true Bock beer. Not thick enough for the most part, a bit thin for the true Connoisseur. I'm still pretty new at drinking "Quality" brews so, to me, this was a good beer. As I become more sophisticated, I may realize that this is a bit thin for a true bock beer.

We took Ms. Wolverine (the middle daughter) out to dinner for her birthday to Claddagh's Irish Pub and Mrs. Wolverine and I both got a pint of Guinness. It was very good and went down nicely with my bangers and mash.


Blogger Dave said...

Guiness is also good mixed as a black and tan. So far in my experience with rating beers, taste is really a personal thing. What one man covets is another mans outcast. You simply have to find a beer that works for you. I've found that my tastes are changing the more I try different beers. After drinking nothing but porters for a couple months then going to a lighter pilsner, I find that I miss the more maltier taste of darker beers. And while it's not fair to judge another style of beer until you've sampled many of that style, you still have to rely on your own senses to judge a beer. That's half the fun of trying as many beers as you can. I'll probably only rebuy a beer when taking some over to a friends house, otherwise in my own home I'm gonna buy a different beer every time to sample. Life's too short to stick with just one beer.

1:03 PM  

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