Poker Training Videos - Part III
I'm going to recommend anyone playing microstakes Texas Holdem to join This is a site specifically designed with low stakes players in mind.
Most players playing Microstakes poker are doing so because:
1. They are inexperienced and are trying to get better at Texas Holdem
2. They don't have the bankroll to play the higher stakes
3. Or both
Grinder School describes their site as:
Grinderschool is a novel idea in poker websites. We are a strategy site specifically designed with the low stakes player in mind. We realize the need for quality poker strategy, including vidoes and articles, for players on a budget. Grinderschool will provide in-depth strategy instruction for low stakes players, most notably through videos and direct access to our team of successful player for questions and advice. For a glimpse of what we offer, check out our free articles and videos.
Most advice on other sites is aimed at high stakes players. Many of those tactics do not necessarily apply well in low stakes games. Further, these sites can charge $100s in up front costs, followed by expensive monthly fees. To put it bluntly, a low stakes player is screwed! This has created a void for low stakes poker strategy. We seek to fill that void. Grinderschool charges no up front costs. All you pay is the monthly enrollment fee, which is much smaller than the fees charged by other sites.
You can suscribe via PayPal or a PokerSite Transfer (PokerStars, Full Tilt or Ultimate Bet), which is pretty neat.
The Grinder School team consists of:
AApoker: Adil began playing poker in 2005. He started off playing low stakes cash games and grinding bonuses for extra income each month...
JGB146: Jeffrey has been playing poker since 2004. In that time, he has been profitable in every format of No Limit Texas Hold'em....
Jyms: Jim has been playing online poker since January of 2006. He started out playing the odd home game with friends...
Spenda: Cullen has been playing poker for 4 years. He began taking the game seriously when he was living in Las Vegas...
Check out this site. Check out the free videos and give it a try. I don't think you will be disappointed and will be a winner in the long run.