Poker Training Videos - Part II
The second site is Poker Trikz. The site describes itself as: is the newest online poker training site that is totally free of charge. We are dedicated to bring you top notch free poker instruction and all you have to do is want to learn. If you are a struggling player and looking to beat micro stakes or small stakes poker games, you came to the right place.
It's no secret that I am a big fan of Poker Training Videos and these two sites are awesome to provide Free Training Videos to everyone.
There are two sites that I have found on the internet that offer a multitude of free Poker Training Videos. The first site is Flop Turn River which has a total of 43 free videos that cover a gamut of games. There is an Omaha video but the majority are No Limit Texas Hold'em covering everything from microstakes games to $400 dollar No Limit and SitNGos and MTTs.

Flop Turn River describes their videos as: FTR is now offering free instructional poker videos with commentary made by FTR members to demonstrate certain tactics, strategies, and thought processes. We're always trying to learn more about the game of poker, and watching videos of others playing poker while listening to their poker video commentary can open our eyes to new ideas, alternate strategies or provide confirmation on how to play a given situation.
Many of the videos were made by players that have not moved on to their own pay for video site which I will talk about in part III of this series.

The free videos are the big draw for Poker Trikz but there is more to the site than just videos. They are really promoting rakeback from a number of poker sites as well as a Forum section, Articles section, Reviews section, Blogs section (not quite up and running yet) and a Coaching section.
I really like Poker Trikz and heartily recommend everyone joining up and watching the videos. There are at leasat 29 different videos and they are geared to teaching a specific part of No Limit Texas Holdem. One video describes on How to Deal with Down Swings, another talks about Moving Up in Stakes and another is about How to Continuation Bet. The best part is that you are learning all of the other aspects of Texas Holdem while concentrating on one area. This helps reinforce all of the other things you must know how to do well to become a winnner at No Limit Texas Holdem.
It's no secret that I am a big fan of Poker Training Videos and these two sites are awesome to provide Free Training Videos to everyone.
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