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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Poker Training Videos - Part I

All of us who play online poker seriously have purchased and read at least one or two (and probably more) books on how to play Texas Hold’em poker- Poker's most popular game. We want to become good players, so it is almost mandatory to read and digest the quality poker instruction books that are available. After playing live or online for several months, any serious player should take the next step to improve their game and become a consistently winning poker player.

That step would be to begin watching and digesting poker instructional videos. There are a wealth of sites on the internet that have Poker Training Videos.

Card Runners
Poker Savvy Plus
Grinder School

To name just a few.

All of these sites offer a multitude of instructional videos, narrated by tried and true professional poker players and offering a variety of games (Holdem, Omaha, RAZZ, Stud, etc.) The membership fees range from a one time fee, monthly payments or a sign up fee plus monthly payments.

If you are dedicated to bettering your game and will put the time and effort into learning how to play you will probably be able to justify the expense of joining one of these rooms from your increased winnings at the tables. All of these rooms offer free videos for you to watch so you can become familiar with how the videos are made, the type of instruction you will receive, and if the commentary is to your liking or not. These also work great for those of you who are in a rut and feel the need for a short lesson to help pick up your game.

There are plenty of free videos out there to watch and learn if you don’t have the funds or just don’t want to join one of the sites that charges to view their videos. I’ll comment on that more next post.


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