Not a Bad Beat Story but I did lose the Hand
I have A/10 in late position and call preflop raise from UTG + 1. Probably my first mistake. The BB completes and there are 3 of us to see the flop. Flop is a not too bad 7s 10h 9d. BB and UTG+1 check and since I've got part of the flop I fire away and BB and UTG+1 call. Turn is Jd and BB and UTG+1 check again so I fire away again to see where I am at. The BB and the UTG+1 call. River is 3d and BB checks, UTG+1 bets and I'm thinking, "Oh oh." I call and the BB raises. I know then I am beat. UTG+1 calls and I fold.
BB shows 2d 5d for the runner/runner flush and UTG+1 shows K/Q for a made straight.
You can critique our play for a month of Sundays but the bottom line is, "Why the hell the BB stayed in long enough to catch his runner/runner and win the hand?" I wasn't too upset because if you play microstakes Limit Holdem you are going to run into this and you have to have the mentality/personality to get past it. I am just curious as to what possessed him to stay until the river with virtually nothing.
The BB had beaten me earlier when his pocket Queens were better than my pocket Jacks. I didn't get much of a read on him other than he was betting that hand passively.
I just hope he keeps playing that way and I am against him as I think I will come out on the positive side of the chip stack. so far my results have been pretty good as I am about $5 away from moving up a level.
After about an hour of Limit I cleared another $2.50 of the bonus and broke even so it wasn't all bad. It was an excellent learning experience.

I pulled my money out of Neteller today. It is going into our vacation/golf account. My access to Neteller was very limited as I couldn't find where to change my e-mail address and physical address to my new ones as we moved since the UIGEA and Neteller fiasco hit. My bank account was correct and upon making the withdrawal it allowed me to put in my new home address so I am thinking everything should go through fine. I should know by Thursday.

I am taking a hiatus from PokerStars as I think someone there flipped my Doom Switch to the ON position. I have dropped almost $20 in two weeks.