Rock and Roll!!
I had Frank Sinatra on my playlist, several poker training videos from PokerTrikz under my belt and a renewed confidence in my game. I was ready to Rock and Roll. I have had several good sessions since my mega losing streak and am back almost to where I was before the losses. I am very happy with how my game is going but I still see need for improvement.
It amazes me the small difference between a winning streak and a losing streak. When I was losing the villains were hitting every flush draw on me and during the winning streak they missed their draws or I hit the magic card on the river like when my A/K found a flop of K/K/3 with two clubs aboard. I put the villain all in only to see they have J/4 of clubs and the case club comes on the turn. Lo and behold the board pairs with a beautiful 3 on the river and my Boat beats their flush and I start stacking the chips. It didn't matter that they never should have called my preflop raise in the first place. It only matters how the cards come on the board and this time the lucky stick hit me square up side of my head.
I found me a real find at my favorite place for buying my specealty beers, Horrocks i
n Lansing, Michigan. They have 22 ounce bottles of Breckenridge Breweries Oatmal Stout for only $1.99 each. I am stocking up on them as we speak.
They describe this brew as: Rich, round and roasted, our Oatmeal Stout is satisfaction in a glass. It's a bold, smooth-bodied concoction that oozes dark-roasted coffee aromas and flavors of espresso and semi-sweet chocolate. We round out these heady pleasures with a dose of flaked oatmeal for a creamy body and a semi-dry finish. Unforgettable.

They describe this brew as: Rich, round and roasted, our Oatmeal Stout is satisfaction in a glass. It's a bold, smooth-bodied concoction that oozes dark-roasted coffee aromas and flavors of espresso and semi-sweet chocolate. We round out these heady pleasures with a dose of flaked oatmeal for a creamy body and a semi-dry finish. Unforgettable.
This is a really nice Stout and goes down very smoothly as the bitterness units are only 31.
Beer Advocate gives this beer a sold "B" and the reviewers have some very nice things to say about it. My feelings were summed up by this one, "Fairly drinkable, and enjoyable, a solid example of the style and well worth trying. Would be a good choice when introducing newbies to the style. Glad i got to try this, and its likely something I'll come back to at some point."
I am enjoying this stout immensely and hope to have several more while there is still a spring chill in the air.
I'm going to wait until fall to get some of those Breck Oatmeal Stouts. If it's anything like their Vanilla Porter it's gonna be good.
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