Them's Quad Biotches!!

Variance is a cruel mistress and couple that with running into maniacs that are playing any two suited cards and hitting their flushes, straights, sets, etc. and it makes for a long day at the tables.
My VP$IP has only been around 19% or less but I am still getting my money in at the wrong times.
Lets hope this minny rant helps turn things around.
Chances are, if you're on a major losing streak then you are getting impatient and need to wait to better opportunities. Forget about VPIP for a while and rely on your gut instincts. Next time you play and are not involved in a hand, try to figure out what cards the other players have and what is the most likely move they should make before they make it. It's more about the situation than the cards. Turn off all chat and simply talk about the hand situation and look to see what moves your opponents make and when. Look for patterns and tendencies then wait for a prime opportunity and go for it. Sometimes try throwing out a reraise just as a feeler. You'd be surprised how often you can win a hand just from playing from position more often and betting out on the flop.
My best advice for when you are losing a lot is to stop playing for a while and think about other things. It's done wonders for my game. I now just play a few SNGs a week and I'm winning again.
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