Minor Setback today
My winning streak was shortlived as I had a minor setback today. Part of it was my fault over valuing my hands and part of it was donkey moves rewarded by PokerStars. Either way I only have myself to blame and am not too discouraged as I know I can earn back the buy in and a half I dropped today and get back on the winning streak.
Breckenridge Breweries describes their Avalanche Amber Ale as: "Subtlety. That's what makes our Avalanche amber ale such a treat. We blend pale and caramel malts – and just a kiss of bittering hops – to create a refreshing-but-flavorful, any-time beer. Aromas of pale grains, a semi-sweet middle and a clean-as-Colorado-snow finish make this our best-selling beer."
I made a very questionable play by pushing my pocket nines only to see the villain was unable to fold his Queen that he got on an Ace high flop. How he was able to hang onto that queen with my bets indicating that I had the ace is beyond me but he did and he wins this round. I have a note on him now and will remember that he has a hard time folding top pair. It wasn't a pure bluff as I raised preflop and my past play indicated I usually had the goods when I was raising preflop but I was playing like a bit of a lag and that may have convinced him to stay in when he should have folded his Q/9 preflop (but they were sooooooooooooooooooooted!!).

When I bought my Breckenridge Breweries Oatmeal Stout that I wrote about yesterday I also bought a 22 ounce Avalanche Amber Ale. $1.99 each for both brews is a steal. What a great deal for a couple of really good brews. I bought two more Oatmeal Stouts today and had one at dinner tonight with Chili. Yummo!!
The Avalanche Amber Ale is on par with Killian's Red.

This was an enjoyable beer but I would rather buy the Oatmeal Stout and partake in that as it is more of a treat to me. I think my Killian's is comparable to the Avalanche Amber Ale .
If there is one constant in poker, it's that you can't control every aspect of your opponents thought processes. Lord knows why he made the call but it happens. I believe those types of calls are made when a person feels that something doesn't feel right about their opponents move. Mostly it's due to curiosity and they just "have" to see why their opponent pushed.
I had a Breck Avalanche a couple of months ago at an Old Chicago here. A decent session beer but it wasn't outstanding. It's funny how ambers used to be my favorite styles, but since getting to love stronger ales, these seem mild by comparison.
Talking about a beer session, I love Caffrey's Irish Ale, but its not sold here anymore. I'm looking forward to my vacation to London just for this.
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