A Little Golf Post
First of all a little bit about my poker play today. I broke even in my play today and enjoyed it immensely. I would have finished in the black but for one person that would not fold their Q/5 from the Cut Off and rivered the 5. Oh well, a note was made and I hope to see them again soon. I was able to double up off a couple of donkeys to help save my session and prevent a second losing day in a row.

I have been to the golf course about 8 times so far and have played 18 holes twice, the rest being just 9 hole rounds. I have shot a low of 41 and a high of 48 when I have offically kept score. If I don't keep score it is a practice round.

If I were to grade my golf so far it would be like this.
Driving - D-
I am having a hard time getting consistant drives on or near the fairway. It is either a massive push to the right or a pull hook running like a scared rabbit in the woods on the left.
Long Irons & Utility Clubs - C
I have been hitting my long irons and Utility clubs quite well and, except for the occasional pull hook, have been happy with the results. I could almost give these clubs a B- but will save that for the second marking period.
Mid Irons - C-
My mid-irons are just not getting the job done. These clubs have to put me on or near the green when I use them and they haven't been coming through for me. I have been cursed with a pull hook playing these clubs and am just now getting this problem worked out. I hope to have better results next marking period.
Short Irons, wedges - B
My short irons and wedges are saving my game. I am hitting these clubs quite well and that is allowing me to shoot the scores I am.
Chips - C+
My chipping has been pretty good for me. This has always been my achilles heal in the past but this year I have found a system that works for me and is getting the ball close enough to have a decent chance at par.
Putting - C+
My putting has saved several rounds for me and has cost me even lower scores eith a few 3 putts and missing the gimme birdie/par put occassionally. I am pretty happy with my putting but will never be totally satisfied with it until I totally eliminate my 3 putts and the 3 foot misses.
I am trying to play about 3 times a week and will have another report card around the first of July.
Hey WF...
I got a few more Coke Rewards codes in my Pepsi cap box. I hope you can use them...
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