Oktoberfest, Wolverine Fan Style

Right now I am drinking LeinenKugel's Oktoberfest and am liking it. Some of the reviews for this beer haven't been that great but I like it. I do want to try Sam Adams Octoberf

I have partaken in Foster's Lager and Corona and a lot of J.W. Dundee's Honey Brown Lager this summer. I usually will have one beer a day after golfing or just around dinner time and all of these beers have made for a very nice summer in Michigan.
One of the beers I have really enjoyed this summer is the Leinenkugels Red. That was one of my favorites for the summer.

I use to always be a Lite beer drinker but I have forsaken all Lite beers and am now really enjoying the taste of a full bodied beer. It may not have helped my waist line very much but my pallate is appreciative of my new taste in beers.

Gotta love beer this time of year (or anytime for that matter). Mmmmm, I'm a fan of Honey Brown myself. I'm finding that I simply stay away from the giant beer company beers with their watered down taste. I like the smaller brewery full flavored beers these days. Tommyknocker makes a good Honey Brown as well. I'm getting into darker beers these days like the 1554 from New Belgium and also their Trippel. burp - hic! Good stuff.
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