What's going on with Poker??

The 2+2 forums are abuzz over possible cheating at highstakes games at Absolute Poker. There are several super long posts about it, inlcuding this one. There are a lot of people pointin

Poker Tracker was hacked and temporarily disabled. This story is from Kick Ass Poker Blog. Users of the popular performance-tracking software PokerTracker were dismayed late in the week to discover that the site had been compromised, resulting in its quickly being taken offline by the software's owner/developers.
Since a lot of users have their PokerTracker software set to retrieve updates automatically, the question then arose as to whether the software was somehow auto-installing a virus that would compromise users' own sensitive information. The answer to that, at least, seemed to be no --- while at least one 2+2 poster reported that a patch obtained from PT might have contained a virus, the problem seemed to be that the PT site itself was hacked, resulting in the software hanging while it searched for updates that could not be retrieved.
PokerTracker arranged with another third-party software maker to have its install

Finally, my Michigan Wolverines won their first game of the year and looked good doing it with their Freshman quarterback. Let's see if they are contenders or pretenders as Penn State comes to The Big House to face the Wolverines this Saturday.
and that is precisely why i stay the fuck away from 0+0 ... "they"
anyway, good luck to the Wolverines ... how goes the "jesus" challenge ?
u been playing the britbloggerment ? or have i just not noticed ?
good luck
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