The Fat Lady has Sung - Challenge is over

My challenge is over. I waited until after my vacation to give the challenge another try in hopes I would get better cards. Well, that didn't happen. I was still getting shit for cards when I was down to my last .69 cents and I went all in with A/K off suit. One caller with K/2 of diamonds. Now I am feeling pretty good when the flop comes up with all rags and one diamond. The turn brings another diamond and then the the river is inevitable. I knew
what it was going to be before it even showed .......................... another diamond and GG me. End of challenge.

Poker has been really hard lately because of people 3 betting with 3/7 suited then getting rewarded when they river the straight against my Pocket Queens. How can you win with people playing like that? Why do they always seem to get rewarded when playing such shit hands? Sure, you say they will lose in the long run but in the meantime I am seeing only 17% of the flops and losing with the best hand going in. That is what makes poker so hard. Assholes get paid off with the worse hands. Over and over. Always a different asshole. You may win some but then a different asshole plays shit and gets rewarded.
I know what you are saying but you do know that they HAVE to win SOMETIME - just bad luck it's been against you.
WHAT has been happening to me is that the fish are winning with crap and when I have a GREAT hand they are slow playing AA or something.
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