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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

SitNGo Magic

SitNGo Magic
I won a $2.40 dollar SitNGo at Absolute this morning after being down to my last $300 dollars with the blinds at $600/$300. There were still 4 players remaining with the final 3 getting into the money. I just knew I was going to end up with another 4th place on the bubble with nothing to show for an hours worth of work. I didn’t copy the hands that led me to the win but, needless to say, I had to go all in for about 4 hands and won every time. I know two were total suckouts when I was able to make a straight to offset the pair of Kings my opponent had and another time I managed to get a 4 club flush on the board when my opponent didn’t have a club in his hand but went in with the best hand. After that I started to get a run of quality hands and after two of the four were eliminated I was heads up with the chip leader. In about ten hands I had taken over the chip lead and won when I flopped a straight and my opponent went all in. $9 dollars added to my bank roll and a lot of confidence added to my game.

Earlier in my poker playing days I would have given up and resigned myself to 4th place and another bubble but now I go down fighting all the way. I have learned that just because you are the short stack now, it may not stay that way. Granted, the majority of the time you are not going to make it back all of the way and win but if you can hang in there good things can happen. Oftentimes an opponent will go braindead and push all in with second best and be eliminated letting you get into the money via the back door. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It doesn’t matter how you get into the money, just that you get into the money.

Putting up my Net
Tomorrow my golf game starts to take a big improvement. I will be putting up my golf net in my back acre and starting to hit balls into it. This helps my game immensely for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it helps promote muscle memory by making the same swing over and over. Secondly, I hit the ball better as I swing smoother and don’t try to kill the ball because It isn’t going anywhere anyway. Hello!! It is going into the net so why is there any reason to try and kill the ball. Thirdly, it is great stress relief to go out and hit about a hundred balls into the net. You are out in the sun, exercising, and working up a sweat. Can’t get any better than that. I will also start to work on my chipping in the back yard and that should cut a couple of strokes a round just by the practice of chipping and getting the distances down. All of us hackers (bogey golfers) should be working on our game form 100 yards to the green at least 75% of the time. That is where we will lower our score.

My number one place to improve on the golf course is to eliminate my penalty strokes. I am averaging two penalty strokes per nine holes but that is not all. Second area of improvement is to work on my greens-in-regulation. Improving in those two areas will cut my score immensely. I will keep you posted on how I do.


Blogger CC said...

I broke 80 about 16 years ago then didn't do it again for another 14 years. I would constantly get freaked out whenever I shot 38 on the front nine or something. The key for me was when I played legit scratch friend of mine. He kept the following stats on his scorecard: fairway hit, GIR, up/down, and putts (upper left corner/right corner line if GIR circle if down dot if up/down, tally bottom right). He then examined his stats to identify his leaks. It was a major breakthrough for me, really helping me play each shot (which helped with the one bad shot/nine). Moved from 16 to eventually 9 (now probably 12/dont play very much at all).

7:35 AM  

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