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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Down one Buy In

I played a short session today and was up early but in just two hands I dropped a buy-in to end up down overall. I wasn't able to play very long so couldn't stay around to try and get back to even. I hope to get things rolling tomorrow when I will be able to play longer and should be able to rebuild my bankroll.

I was very happy with my play and even the two hands I lost were not from bad plays just from my opponent getting the better of me on those two hands. The biggest loss came against the dreaded Queen/nine off suit. I raised from the button with K/10 suited in an attempt to mostly steel the blinds but was confident I could play this hand well if I had to. The villain called with his Q/9 off from the Small Blind and the flop came down rag/Q/Q. A total disaster for me. He checked, I did a continuation bet and he smooth called it. The turn sealed my fate when a lovely king appeared and I put in about a pot size bet after his check again and again was smooth called. The turn brought a nine to give him a full house and when the villain led out against me I knew I had lost this hand.
I am presently drinking 3 different styles of beer in a 12 Pack Sampler from Spanish Peaks Brewing of Bozeman, Montana. This sampler 12 pack contains Black Dog Ale, Honey Raspberry Ale and American Pale Ale. I haven't tried the Honey Raspberry yet but the Black Dog Ale and the American Pale Ale are both excellent brews.

Beer Advocate gives the Black Dog Ale and the American Pale Ale solid "B"s but the Honey Raspberry doesn't fare as well as it only gets a "C-" rating. I prefer the Black Dog Ale to the American Pale Ale but would have either at any time as they are very nice tasting beers.


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