Mississippi Mud and Microstakes Hold'em

This is the beer I am drinking right now. It is an excellent brew with nice flavor from Matt Brewing Company. It has gotten some nice ratings at Beer Pal.
I am doing pretty good in my Microstakes Hold'em challenge. I am a winning player at Full Tilt, Absolute and Poker Stars. I had a really nice week-end where I was able to play for quite a while and, with great patience, waited for jus the right hands and was able to double up several times.
That being said, it could have been soooooo much better if it weren't for two bad beats at Poker Stars. The first was all in preflop with Pocket Rockets vs. Big Slick and the villain hit his Broadway straight on the river.
The second was when I limped in from the BB with K/10 suited and the flop came down K, K, rag. I was all in against one other player who had K/6 off and he hit his six on the river to beat me. Lucky for me I buy in with the minimum amount as this made the losing easier and I was still able to show a profit for the day.
I have not been able to double up that often. I seem to be jinxed with great hands in which NOBODY else hits or great hands UTG or just great hands that are counterfitted.
Still - I'm liking NL and think I'll be OK.
Congrats on the winning. I'm winning but not as much as I WAS - I'm on a bell curve, UP DOWN UP DOWN lol.
I've had that beer and enjoy it. Glad you reminded me of it. Tis the season for some dark brew, so I'm on it.
See you on the felt...
Thanks for the tip on the Mississippi Mud. That bottle looks awesome! Never seen that one but will look for it next time I'm at the beer store. Thanks also for the link to BeerPal. I missed that one.
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