Freshman year of College
I think I have gone from being a highschool senior to my Freshmen year of College in my No Limit Holdem education. Yesterday I had a really bad session where I dropped 4 buy-ins two tabling at PokerStars. Today I made back one and a half of the buy-ins I dropped yesterday. My nemesis hand for the time being is when I have 9/9. Yesterday I lost to Q/Q and today to 10/10. I should have folded both times and the signals were there to make me fold but I ignored them. That won't happen in the future.
The big signal today was a re-reraise on a low card board that should have tipped me off that the donkey was holding a bigger pocket pair than me. I'm not sure he played it correctly when he re-reraised me. How did he know that I didn't have a pair bigger than his tens? The truth is it doesn't matter if he played it correctly because I sure as hell didn't play it correctly. I should have know that the way he played it didn't indicate he was drawing with A/?. His bet indicated large pocket pair and I refused to believe the read. That won't happen again (hopefully).
There was one player at my PokerStars table that was building his chips up methodically. He had started with $3.25 (remember, this is microlimits .5/.10 Holdem). He had it up to over $22 after about an hour of play. He was playing at least 70% of the flops and betting if he caught any piece of it and everyone was folding to his bet. I lost one hand to him when my two pair went down to his rivered trips. What was funny was that he only would raise 2X the BB when he played and would bet 2X the BB whenever he had any piece of the board. He would fold though so he wasn't a complete donkey. I made some notes on his style of play and I was able to take down a couple of small pots from him.
Then he started chatting in the chatbox to his neighbor after he won a hand by rivering the flush. It was congenial chat between him and the other player and he began telling how he had built this stack by mostly bluffing and he couldn't believe how people would fold so easily. He went on for quite some time about building his stack and how it was PokerStars money they had given him and some other things.
After quite a bit of chat about his play he lost a fair size pot and then mentioned he would just have to build it back up. I typed into the chat, "Not at this table" and "TMI". He typed in "tmi..." and I typed, "Too much information". He LOL'ed as did another player.
n the weirdness started. In 6 hands he had lost his entire bankroll he had built up, over $22 dollars. The first was when his A/Q lost to A/K. then he won a big hand only to lose a bunch to me when my A/10 suited was better than his A/6 on an ace high board. The final hand was when his A/K was beat by a set of 5s on a raggedy board. And that was it. He had lost everything in less than 5 minutes after playing good solid bankroll building poker for over an hour. Then he left. But I have his name and will be looking for him tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next.....................

The big signal today was a re-reraise on a low card board that should have tipped me off that the donkey was holding a bigger pocket pair than me. I'm not sure he played it correctly when he re-reraised me. How did he know that I didn't have a pair bigger than his tens? The truth is it doesn't matter if he played it correctly because I sure as hell didn't play it correctly. I should have know that the way he played it didn't indicate he was drawing with A/?. His bet indicated large pocket pair and I refused to believe the read. That won't happen again (hopefully).
There was one player at my PokerStars table that was building his chips up methodically. He had started with $3.25 (remember, this is microlimits .5/.10 Holdem). He had it up to over $22 after about an hour of play. He was playing at least 70% of the flops and betting if he caught any piece of it and everyone was folding to his bet. I lost one hand to him when my two pair went down to his rivered trips. What was funny was that he only would raise 2X the BB when he played and would bet 2X the BB whenever he had any piece of the board. He would fold though so he wasn't a complete donkey. I made some notes on his style of play and I was able to take down a couple of small pots from him.
Then he started chatting in the chatbox to his neighbor after he won a hand by rivering the flush. It was congenial chat between him and the other player and he began telling how he had built this stack by mostly bluffing and he couldn't believe how people would fold so easily. He went on for quite some time about building his stack and how it was PokerStars money they had given him and some other things.
After quite a bit of chat about his play he lost a fair size pot and then mentioned he would just have to build it back up. I typed into the chat, "Not at this table" and "TMI". He typed in "tmi..." and I typed, "Too much information". He LOL'ed as did another player.

Before I read your blog (which looks interesting)I first must blame you in advance for any stress you will have caused me in the future.
I'm sitting here play in an NL full ring game at Bodog. 80% flops in NL10. CRAZY people.
I win a TON from chasers and then lose to morons playing 63o UTG!
sort of fun actually! AT THE MOMENT! A change from SNGs and more $$ to be made.
BTW - I had a combo of the fever and Meningitis. Doc called it Meningitis so I could play sports later in life.
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