Royal Flush or Hole In One

I would much rather get a hole in one as I think the hole in one would outweight the royal flush by quite a bit. For the most part the Hole in One is much more rare than the royal flush and is a product of what may possibly by years of playing in pursuit of that one swing that brings everything together and sends that ball on a flight to immortality. Many hole in ones are the result of a terribly hit golf ball that just happens to roll onto the green and into the hole. Many other hole in ones are the results of a well struck golf ball that heads right for the green, maybe even right at the pin, and then is in the hole. No matter how
it happens it is the rarest of feats. The odds of getting a hole in one are 10,000 to 15,000 to 1.

Your chances of getting one of the four possible Royal Flushes dealt to you are 1 in 649,740. Now, your chances of actually getting a royal flush in a game of poker depends largely on the game you are playing. In draw poker, if you are dealt four of the cards needed your chance of picking up the final card are actually pretty good, 1/47. These odds look to be a lot harder to obtain than a hole in one but, again, they are like comparing apples and oranges. If you play online poker and multi-table then you have a better chance of getting the royal flush because you are putting yourself in a position to see a lot more hands dealt. You have the ability to increase the chance of you getting a royal flush.
In golf, there are only so many holes that give you a chance for a hole in one. There are the 4 par 3 holes on a typical 18 hole golf course and maybe a couple of par 4 holes are short enough to be able to make it to the green in one stroke. Thus you have about 6 to 8 chances per round of getting a hole in one. Even if you only played a 9 hole par three course all your life you would still not have that many chances in a lifetime to make a hole in one.
I have been dealt a royal flush once so far at PokerStars. I have been 6 inches away from a hole in one.
I've been lucky enough to have two hole-in-one's in my life. They were both in the same year, within a couple of weeks of each other, when I was in high school. They were at the same course, but different Par 3 holes.
I played on my high school golf team, but never qualified for a match. I was not good, but I loved the game and was able to play two beautiful courses (switching back and forth) every day for free. Talk about kick ass!
To this day I still love to play golf, but probably haven't hit the links in 2 years. Just thinking about it makes me want to go play. I doubt I could break 100 these days, but it'd be fun to play again.
As for royal flushes, I think I've had 1 or 2. I guess that just shows you that hole-in-one's are by far greater than royal flushes. I will never forget the HIO's, but the royal flushes are a faint memory.
I've probably had 5+ royal flushes against me, which sucks. Oh well. Good post...
I've had 4 Royals and no Holes. I did have a 299 game bowling though!!
I was at my course once and this old guy was telling a story.
His wife was learning to play and after taking lessons they went to a local par 3 course.
Her very first shot of her life hit in front of the green and rolled in for a hole in 1.
BTW - Royals are not that hard to come by - I thought it was 40,000 to 1
I don't play golf, but I'd choose the hole in one. Chances are, you won't get paid off on the royal anyway, and the hole in one makes for a better story...
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