Suited Hammer and Wolverines are on Life Support Now

My Challenge has moved from intensive care to a ward room now. I turned my last .58 cents into $3 and the challenge is still going. The big difference between Friday and today? My big hands held up today. It started when I got pocket Kings and went all in with about .50 cents. Three others called all in and I flopped a set and they held up to boost my bankroll to $2. After that I just played very tight and won a few more hands that pushed my bankroll over $3 bucks. Whooo Hooo!!
Now my Michigan Wolverines are on life support. Maybe this is for the best and good things will come out of it like a new coach. I still think we can turn this season around but now winning 8 games looks like a wonderful year after these two devastating losses. Ron English, our Defensive Coach was suppose to be a defensive genious after last year but we can see his is much less than a genious.
It is probably time for Lloyd Carr to retire. I was never on the "get rid of Lloyd" bandwagon but I will not shed a tear if he decides to step down.
I have been a Michigan fan all of my very long life and this is hard to take because I have never experienced this in my Wolverine fan years. I'm just going to wear my color with pride and know that almost every other college program has gone through this and have bounced back and won again. That is what the Wolverines are going to do.
Those who remain will be Champions!
Now thats a NICE hand!! How dare he be in that hand wth AK!!!!!!
good work mate.
Meanwhile in Illini country, we actually have a little hope that the football season will be something more than a time to be endured before basketball begins ...
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