And so it goes
I managed to eke out two winning sessions today on Full Tilt and I sat down at my Limit Holdem table at Full Tilt and it was almost a replay of yesterday where I was getting good hands, playing solid poker but the donkeys were hitting the flop and taking down the pots. Finally, I was able to take one such donkey to the cleaners when I was dealt pocket Kings in late position.
This donkey was playing almost every hand and would not let go of the hand if he managed to hit one of his cards. His strategy was working so-so in that he never lost all of his money but he never won much either. He did manage to make a couple of dollars above his buy-in when I was dealt my Kings. I raised and he called and so did the Big Blind. The flop was 10 high and I did my continuation bet and he called and s
o did the BB. There was no flush or straight possibilities showing so all I was up against that could beat me was two pair or a set. The turn was a rag, I bet, donkey called, BB folded. The river brought a 3 on board that paired it with another 3 on the flop. Oh-oh, I thought. I knew the donkey played if he hit the flop and he very well could have called my preflop raise with A/3 or some combination. I threw out my last bet figuring if he raised I was beaten but he just called and turned over a 10 for a pair of tens and my Kings held up to win a nice size pot. That put me in the black for that session and I had to leave soon after.

I was trying to rebuild my bankroll on at the same time I was playing on F
ull Tilt. I managed to win a nice pot early but due to some very aggressive play by the donkeys that have more money than poker sense, I soon had lost that and was slowly sinking, down almost half a buy-in when I was dealt pocket sixes. The flop brought a beautiful six to make my set. I made a pot size bet only to have one other player go all in. Hmmmm, what could he have. No flush or straight draws showing so I put him on two pair and called. He turned over pocket 3s and I beat him with set-over-set to put me up about 1/2 a buy in.

Nothing to get too excited about but a win is a win and I really played quite sparingly. I hope to play some more tomorrow and see if I can't continue with this success.
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