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I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Over and over I hear the Repulican'ts say that the Internet Gambling Ban will save the children and stop those addicted to gambling. Well, I googled the phrase "addiction percentages" as I wanted to find some statistics that show just how gambling addiction per capita compares with other addictions, i.e. alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex, etc. Lo and behold, look what I find is the number one site on google when using the search terms "addiction percentages":

Doctor claims 40 percent of World of Warcraft players are addicted

Dr. Maressa Hecht Orzack, a clinical psychologist at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, has come forward to claim that up to 40 percent of World of Warcraft players are addicted to the game.

The politicians have missed the boat entirely. It isn't online poker that is corrupting america's youth! It is video games!! And, in particular, World of Warcraft!! I know little Johnny used his parents credit card to go online and play this insidious game. I know his friend Bobby has been shaking kids down in the restrooms at his school so he can take their lunch money and go on line to play World Of Warcraft.

Orzack feels that the games are at fault more than the players. "This isn't about willpower or restraint," she said in an interview. "These games are very elaborately designed to ease you in gently, entice you, and keep you there. And it's a cycle: people begin to spend too much time playing and their careers and personal relationships begin to deteriorate."

Doesn't that last sentence sound familiar?? Have you seen the game?? We are exposing our children to hideous monsters and manipulation by wizards and warlocks. It is borderline Satanic!! And the Violence!! No wonder kids are taking guns to schools!!

A recovery clinic for video game addiction was recently opened in Amsterdam.

How could the Republican'ts have missed this terrible addiction? What would make them think that on-line gaming could even come close to this embodiment of human deprivation??


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