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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Poker Challenge Winnings are Up

I lost yesterday on my Poker Challenge but came roaring back today to make up for that loss plus some. I cashed out up $16 dollars today to make up my $11 loss yesterday. I had a couple of second best hands and that put me in the red. Today I played solid poker and made some good reads and go some good cards and after 90 minutes decided to call it a day. I'll put a graph up of my winnings so far in the challenge. It is over $110 now and when I get to $125 I move up to the next level. That could be as early as this week-end.
Actually, I'm not sure my game is ready for the next level but that is what the Challenge is for, to help me grow and learn how to play better poker. In sports they say you play up to your competition. If you are playing a better team, you usually play better as you will concentrate more in an attempt to beat them. That is my goal in the Challenge, to play up to the competition. I will concentrate more and try to bring my 'A' game every time so I can play my best.
Poker Stars is kicking my butt right now. I dropped a big bundle today and am slowly working on getting it back. Why does it take so long to earn the money but you can lose a bundle so fast?? It took me days to earn what I dropped today. Now I am grinding to get it back. My VP$IP is too high which means I am playing too many hands. It is at around 25% and should be at 20% or lower. I am playing too many blinds and calling too many raises with less than satisfactory hands. Knowing this it shouldn't be hard to fix the problem and I started already doing that this evening when I was able to eke out a $3 profit after a couple of hours on two tables. May not sound like much but every penny counts and, hopefully, when I get some cards to go my way it may snowball into a nice little bank roll. That is my goal.
It looks like my Detroit Tigers may have righted the listing ship by winning two in a row in Boston. Last night's game was a mixed blessing. We got the win by luck and a prayer but lost our second baseman to a shoulder separation.

The Tigers took it on the chin tonight when our ace Justin Verlander, who has 14 wins, loss to journeyman pitchure David Wells (who played for the losing Tigers at one time). They couldn't get the sweep but didn't lose any ground to the White Sox as the KC Royals are kicking their butts right now, 10-zip. Go K.C.!!


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