Poker Challenge Day 4
So here are the goals for my challenge (in no particular order):
- Become Comfortable playing at higher limits - After challenge is over I should continue to play at limits that I am unwilling to try right now. I would hope that at the end of the challenge I will only sit down at $1/$2 tables or higher. Some of this will depend on the size of my bankroll.
- Develop my game to its highest potential - This is harder to measure but I think the amount of increase, or decrease, in my beginning bankroll along with self evaluation should be able to determine this.
- Increased bankroll to at least $200 dollars or more or bust it completely.
This goal may be changed as the Challenge goes forth. If I bust out the challenge is over and if I continue to do well then the upper end will have to be increased.
This morning I stopped because I had a tee time to play golf. I felt I was in the proper mindset to play on especially if I won even more money but man does not live by Poker alone. Sloe Times was extremely helpful with helping me fix this major leak in my game. Goal number one, To Develop My Game, means just that and it isn’t always leaks in how you play the card dealt, there are leaks in money management and in the psychological part of the game. My leak was not wanting to keep playing after I had won a certain amount for fear of losing it. This is a psychological leak that I can start fixing right now. My Challenge is already a success in that I have found and am fixing one major leak in my game.
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