Variance Hits and Golf Sucks
Variance Hits
Variance hit me this week-end at the Poker Tables. It seemed like I couldn't win a SitNGo. If I got a set, someone got a flush. If I got a flush, someone got a full house. If I got a full house, someone got a better full house. No matter what it seemed the cards were against me. I managed to tread water and finish in the money enough times to only suffer a minor loss of the bankroll but I was really wondering if I knew how to play this game or not. Then today hit. What a difference a day makes. In four SitNGos I had two firsts, a second, and a fourth. Hopefully my new found success will hold to form and I will ward off that wench variance for a long while.
Golf Sucks
Golf sucks. Enough said. I play again tomorrow and hopefully will have good golf stories to tell you.
Variance hit me this week-end at the Poker Tables. It seemed like I couldn't win a SitNGo. If I got a set, someone got a flush. If I got a flush, someone got a full house. If I got a full house, someone got a better full house. No matter what it seemed the cards were against me. I managed to tread water and finish in the money enough times to only suffer a minor loss of the bankroll but I was really wondering if I knew how to play this game or not. Then today hit. What a difference a day makes. In four SitNGos I had two firsts, a second, and a fourth. Hopefully my new found success will hold to form and I will ward off that wench variance for a long while.
Golf Sucks
Golf sucks. Enough said. I play again tomorrow and hopefully will have good golf stories to tell you.
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