Flush the Sets!
The twist on words that is my title about sums up my Poker day. I hadn't played any online poker for 6 days so I was really looking forward to sitting down at my computer and getting immersed into some good No Limit Holdem. The trouble was the Poker Gods weren't ready to reward my tight play on this day.

I managed to lose about every way possible to a set or a flush. My set of 5s beat by a bigger set of Queens. My Pocket Aces beat by a set of 7s. My two pair Aces and 10s beat by a four flush. My A/K beat by flush on the river. My pocket 10s vs. pocket 7s? No problem until the river card completes the four flush with diamonds and guess who had a diamond? Very next hand my pocket 9s lose to pocket 5s when the third 5 comes on the river to complete their set.

That's the type of day I had. I dropped over 4 buy-ins in just over 90 minutes. Sure I won some but gave back my winnings plus more. Probably one of the worse days I have had in a long time and the worse I have had since starting my microlimit No Limit Holdem challenge.
The sad thing is I was playing well. I didn't play crappy hands. I didn't go on tilt. The only thing I couldn't do was raise enough preflop to get anyone to fold their A/rag or small pocket pair. I was raising 5 times the BB and still would get two or more callers.
Fiddle dee-dee! After all... tomorrow is another day.
The stump jumper / bump jumper was invented by Robert James Cook of Harbor Springs, MI. He made wooden toys in his home shop called The Sturdy Toy Company. They were sold in Bremeyer Bain Hardware in Petoskey, MI. He taught shop class in Harbor Springs and it was a high school shop project to make the stump jumpers. They were also made in Charlevoix and Pelston schools when he taught shop there. He retired from Charlevoix High School. My father passed away three years ago, but the original plan for the stump jumper is alive and well with me. I can be reached at cookarizona62@yahoo.com.
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