Feel Like a Punching Bag

This post is a whiney, self-pity post so read at your own risk. It is cathartic to me to get it out of my system so bare with me as I wallow in my sorrow.
I feel like a punching bag lately when playing poker. Variance finally caught up to me at Absolute Poker when none of my good hands seemed to hold up and I was always finishing second best. Then I go back to PokerStars and win some nice hands only to have it come and bite me in the butt when the Fish pairs the board on the river with one of only six cards left that will beat me and that's the one he gets, full house over my nut flush.
I am still playing short stacked because I don't have the bankroll to survive losing to the chasers that predominate the microstakes No Limit games. I was going to start buying in with the max buy-in but when I see these Fish chasing with nothing and hitting on the river, it reinforces why I buy in short.
I'm not sure financially or emotionally I can take losing on the river time after time to some donkey that won't or can't fold his cards. The thing is that I think I am playing pretty good. Sure, I have some lapses when I may chase a flush when the odds are borderline or feel my TP/TK is best but for the most part I am folding a lot and trying to aggressively play my good hands. Overall I am winning but the losses set me back quite a bit and I have to grind away to make up for them.
Okay, I feel better. Better posts and better times are ahead.
I know that feeling - that set I hit I was feeling good, playing correctly and then I get a 3$ raise out of the blue. I thought NOT AGAIN!!
No - I actually had a chaser HIT his 2nd best hand.
I won;t play short again unless it is miller Style. Play 6% VPIP, raise and auto push in the flop!
For one thing it will mess up other peoples PT stats on me!
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