Bump Jumpers

Our Bump Jumper was simply a single ski with a seat on it. You would ride by balancing yourself and holding on the seat and lifting your legs up and away you would go. You could steer by touching the snow with the right or left foot and you could shift your weight on the seat to slalom the Bump Jumper around.
The Bump Jumper was a very simple sled that any family could afford, it was easy to carry back up the hill and would go very, very fast down the hill but still allow you the ability to steer it some. The longer the ski, the faster the Bump Jumper.
We has a couple of store bought Bump Jumpers and then we began to make our own out of old wooden skis. It was a great time and great place to grow up.
My brother and I use to make our Bump Jumpers, including the skis. We got the pattern from an old copy of Ranger Rick Magazine. We left our slids and the plans at our parents home when we moved out, approx 15 yrs ago. This past summer, mom and dad moved, and had to get rid of "junk". Guest what went into the trash. I'd love to find a copy of those plans, or simuliar plans, so that I could make a Bump Jumper or two for my children. Know of where I could find such plans?
I make BUMP JUMPERS out of hard woods from l shipping crates . I can text pictures to anyone intrested Al Wright MASON MICHIGAN alruth5913@gmail.com
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