Them's Quad B*******!! - Part II

This was my worse day yet playing Shorthanded $10 NL Holdem. I was getting all in with best hand and lost to a few pretty bad beats. Everyone came on the river.
Variance I guess but I always wonder why I lose so much more than I win. Curious. It will take me a few days of good poker to get back to where I was but I feel I can do that. I'll just tighten up and keep getting it in with the best hand and it should hold up in the long run. I can't always lose to runner/runner straights, runner/runner flushes and the freaking 2 outer on the river.
Odd- I have been going over all the blogs I read and EVERYONE is getting bad beat.
Personally my Short Stack experiment is running bad.
I SHOULD be winning 63% when I push but it is really 45%
Two 2 outers and a ONE outer really eat up variance.
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