Good Poker Week-end
I had a good week-end of poker climaxing when I final tabled a 180 man SitNgo at Full Tilt. I ended up finishing in 5th place for a nice little profit. I can't remember any really spectacular han
ds and I don't really think I sucked out on anyone. I just played some tight poker in the early stages, my good hands held up until the end and I ended up making the final table. There were about 15 left and I was in the money when I lost half of my stack to a lesser hand. We both went all in before the flop and my Ace/King had him covered only to see him go runner/runner and g
arner a straight. That put me in poor position to advance but the Poker Gods were favoring me as in the next couple of hands I look down to see Ace/Ace and I parlay them into a nice little pot that puts me back in position to make it to the final table. Even then I did a lot of folding of some pretty good hands and let the more aggressive players have at it.

Good or bad strategy? Probably not such a great strategy if you are trying to win because by letting others make the moves you are letting at least one of them garner a lot of chips. Sure, some are taken out and you move up but when I got to the final table I was 7th out of 9 in chips and had little possibility of really taking it all down. I made some good plays and won a few hands but the blinds and the aggressive play of the big stacks slowly wore me down until I had to go all in with less than an ideal hand just to try to win enough to finish one spot higher.
My No Limit Challenge at is doing well. I have managed to double my bankroll in just a short time. That's not saying a lot because my bankroll was very, very small to begin with. However, I am optomistic that I can slowly build it up to a respectable amount. This is really a Jesus Ferguson type challenge as I started this challenge with just over $2. I can't really say that I am learning much as every time I have played there has been at least one guy that wins everything and one donkey that tilts and loses it all. I have been fortunate enough to double through the donkeys a couple of times.
I did lose one big hand to the guy that was winning everything when my K/10 lost to his A/10. One ten came on the flop and one on the turn so the only thing that could beat me was the Ace. I had to see if he had it because at the microstakes level, people call or bet with almost anything. I was pretty sure he had the ace because of his past plays but he didn't raise it preflop in late position so I was hoping he had a lesser kicker.
My final hand that doubled me up was pretty lucky on my part. I had K/Q suited in late position and I raised it pretty good. The BB went all in. I had him covered and he was doing that a lot with less than stellar hands and was on tilt a bit so I called only to see him turn over A/K. Oh Oh. I sucked out and the board gave me the straight. Broadway, Baby!!! and the chips slid over into my pile.
I didn't feel too bad about sucking out on him because he was playing such shit cards that there was no way I could respect his reraise all-in of my raise. I thanked the Poker Gods and left the table soon after that.
Well done in the 180 man game!!
Did you play it correctly?? Well that depends if you wanted to cash or go for the win. If the money for getting to the final table is worth it, i guess that is fine, but if you want to push for the win you cannot be folding decent hands to aggressive opponents.
Anyway, regardless, congrats mate!
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