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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I have my Blog. I read lots of Poker Books. I read lots of Blogs and information on line about playing poker and strategy, etc. etc, etc.

And still, I went on Tilt last night at after getting little in the way of good hands and, when I did get a good hand, having it beat by some donkey playing crap cards. The clincher was when I rasied preflop with A/Q suited and see a donkey make two pair with rags to beat my better hand.

I can't explain it. I really thought I was above going on tilt and could control my emotions playing this game they call Poker. Maybe it is external forces coming to play as well as the donkey play during the game. It is Christmas time and there is more stress at this time of year than normal.

I can't explain it but I hope that writing about it here will help prevent it from happening again.

I have lost $30 dollars in two days at I think I need to take a break from there and play another site or just take a break from playing altogether. We'll see.
This is a Public Service Announcement and is to be taken seriously and not jokingly.

Sneeze on your sleeve, not in your hands

In fact, the doctor says, bad sneezing, wheezing and hacking techniques not only spread cold and the flu germs like the plague -- they could lead to the downfall of many when the next pandemic strikes (and infectious disease experts say the world is due).
So, a concerned Lounsbury created a how-to video, to teach the hygienically challenged among us a technique to keep our germs to ourselves. It's simple: cough into your sleeve, stupid.


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