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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Look Coming to Blog

New Look to Blog may be Coming
My newborn blog may soon have a new look. I have asked DuggleBogey from to create a new banner for me. I have seen his work and it is spectacular. He is very creative and writes a very entertaining blog. I encourage everyone who reads this to go read DuggleBogey and make his blog one of your favorites. I will be getting links onto this blog as soon as my daughter can help me put them on. I will also be posting an add for Absolute Poker Blogger Tournament coming in May on this site as soon as my daughter can help. If anyone out there has any suggestions or can steer me towards how to make my blog more visibly enjoyable, please don’t hesitate to step up and help me.
Poker last night was interesting. I played a $2 Multi Table Tournament and while in that played .25/.10 No Limit game. I was up $12 at one point during the ring game but slowly leaked it all away until I finally ended the night up $2. I figured I may as well play the ring game as long as I was in the tournament. I finished 45th in the tournament for a profit of .64 cents. Gotta love it. J. Wife and daughter were watching American Idol so I was playing Poker. I watch very little TV except for some sports, i.e. Detroit Redwings and Michigan Wolverine Football, and two reality shows, Survivor and The Amazing Race. Instead I would rather waste my time with Poker and Golf. Thus the name of my Blog. My bankroll may not be growing very fast and my profits aren’t very big yet but I am a much better poker player now than when I first started out. I have really grown and know that I have more room to grow but look forward to the long and winding road that will lead me to poker riches.

Golf on Hold for now
Winter came back to Michigan so the next time I golf will probably be in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I am swinging my weighted club and trying to stay in 'golf' shape.


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