A bit discouraged

Any ideas, suggestions out there?
Most of the problems are getting the Heads Up Display to work correctly. I have had some sucess for a few games and then I have had some real bustos with it where I wasn't working at all or giving me stats for players that weren't even at my table.
It's almost like getting a Christmas or Birthday present and opening the box only to find that all of the pieces aren't there and you have to return it to the store. Can't play with it right away and all of your excitement is lost and turns to depression.
I started reading about Holdem Manager and now am wondering if this is the direction I should head. Many people on 2+2 forums like Holdem Manager over Poker Tracker 3.
I play poker and just rely on instincts now. I stopped using PokerTracker and all side tools months ago and you know what? My game has improved. Going back to review old hands won't change the future. Sorry to hear about PT3 being a flop. I'd suggest just taking notes on players and let your instincts be your guide.
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