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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Monday, July 07, 2008

mmmmm, Beer

Not much to report on the Poker front. I am just treading water the last few days, playing break even poker. I guess I may have won a few dollars but not enough to really mention. I will be taking a short break from playing which may help rekindle my game. We are only talking a day or two away from the tables. I will keep watching videos from Grinder School and Poker Trikz which should help my game improve.

I bought a couple of sixpacks on sale at my favorite beer store, Horrock's. The one I am drinking now is Leinenkugel's Northwoods Lager.

The Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company is reintroducing Northwoods Lager to Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and select distributors in Michigan and Illinois beginning February 4th for a limited time. After a two-year hiatus, the award-winning brew will re-join the Leinenkugel’s family of premium craft brews on retailer shelves.

Northwoods Lager, which was first introduced in 1986 as a fall seasonal and quickly became a year-round favorite in 1990, is a handcrafted blend of select barley malts and aromatic, bittering hops. Brewed in small, high-quality batches at Leinenkugel’s brewery in Chippewa Falls, Wis, Leinenkugel’s Northwoods Lager features a deep golden color and a smooth, robust flavor.

This is a really good session beer. It is amber color and goes down smoothly. This may be one of my most favorite beers to sit down with at home and partake in 3 or 4 at a sitting.
My wife and I have discovered The Wire, an HBO show. It has been on for 5 or 6 episodes but since we don't get HBO we weren't all that aware of it. Now that it is out on DVDs we have been devouring it and have already watched Seasons one and two.
What a great show. Excellent story lines, excellent acting and more action than the Sopranos. I like this show way more than I liked The Sopranos.
We hope to start watchig Season 3 by the end of this week.


Blogger Dave said...

I keep seeing Leinenkugel's at my local store but have refrained from buying it because it is owned by the MillerCoors company. I thought it was just another brand of macro beer. Perhaps it's unfortunate for them that a mega beer company bought them out. Hope it doesn't change their craft beer roots.

10:26 AM  

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