I have met the enemy and it is me

I'll never get to be a really good player until I can stop myself from making donkey moves like that. I know the game better than that. I know the game enough to know that Kings aren't the nuts. I know the game enough to know that these are the type of decisions that mean the difference between being a winning player and a losing player.
I can watch all of the videos in the world and if this is how I continue to play I will never get any better. And I mean to get better!! Maybe this was just the thing I needed to wake me up and sit back and take stock of my game and how I am playing it. Not very well if this is any indication. Maybe this is just what the doctor ordered.
I am going to pledge here and now that I will learn from this mistake and I will not repeat it and I will become a better player and I will be a winning player. Period. Full Stop.
Yesterday I was raving about the HBO show The Wire and I said it had several episodes. I meant Seasons. I think it has been on for 5 or 6 seasons and just concluded this past spring. We have watched seasons one and two and should be starting up with Season 3 this week.
Andre Royo plays a character in The Wire called Bubbles. He is a Criminal Informant (CI) and a junkie. This man deserves and Emmy award for his acting. Bubbles is perfection personified as a junkie that will go to any extremes to get a fix or to get money for a fix. He steals coppper and resells it and he even goes into an ambulance to try to steal drug paraphanalia.
Michael K. Williams is another actor from The Wire that deserves and Emmy, too. He plays Omar who steals from other drug dealers. He plays this character to perfection. It is acting like this that makes The Wire so good. I don't know how The Sopranos got to be so critically aclaimed and I barely heard of The Wire.
I loved The Sopranos and thought it was a really good show but I like The Wire a lot better. I think I like The Wire better because the good guys sometimes win whereas The Sopranos was mostly about bad guys and how they would screw people over. I think this is going to be one of those series that when it's over I will be really bummed and there will be a big void to fill for good stories, good acting and just good television.
Always gotta watch out for the TripJacks.
~ TripJax
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Ellen Simpson
Hi Blogger;
My name is Ellen and I have a offer for you please contact me at ellen_s@mail.com.
Ellen Simpson
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