Still losing but ready to turn it around
I found a couple more ways to lose today but I am ready to turn things around. The biggest problem I am having is that I am playing microstakes and no one is respecting my raises. From now on I am going in with 5 times the Big Blind Raises instead of 3 times. That should root out those who are willing to call with 4/6 suited and stay in until they get their flush (this happened a couple of times today). If they call me after I go in with 5 times the BB then I must respect their hand. If everyone folds then I'll just add up the blinds and hopefully that will build my bank roll.
From now on only premium hands and I am not going to limp again but go in with a raise. We'll see how they like them apples.
I still can't believe how much the cards are going against me. I raise preflop with A/Q and get called by K/J and two kings come on the flop. I seem to be on a roll to see how many ways I can lose to a straight. I go in with A/Q and get called by K/Q and the villain gets Broadway and GG me. I go in the with A/K and get an ace on the flop and a king on the turn but lose to the Wheel on the river and GG me. I bet to take away the odds for trying for a gutshot or for a flush but some players have money to burn and they stay in hands no matter what and have been hitting way too often.
I was really looking forward to this Christmas break so I could play hours and hours of poker but I never expected to get beat by so many donkeys in so many ways.

Today's brew is Old Rasputin Imperial Stout brewed at North Coast Brewing Company of California. Their sites describes this brew as:
Produced in the tradition of 18th Century English brewers who supplied the court of Russia's Catherine the Great, Old Rasputin seems to develop a cult following wherever it goes. It's a rich, intense brew with big complex flavors and a warming finish.
Beer Advocate gives it an A- in its review and describes it as:
This put the stout in stout. WOW!!! Very black beer with a nice, dark brown head that left nice lacing on the sides of the glass. Smelled mostly of coffee and dark malts. Taste started with strong coffee with a bit of alcohol, followed by lots of hop bitterness. The mouthfeel is very smooth and creamy. This is a very good, strong, sipping beer. A few of these and you will be wrecked so watch out.
From now on only premium hands and I am not going to limp again but go in with a raise. We'll see how they like them apples.
I still can't believe how much the cards are going against me. I raise preflop with A/Q and get called by K/J and two kings come on the flop. I seem to be on a roll to see how many ways I can lose to a straight. I go in with A/Q and get called by K/Q and the villain gets Broadway and GG me. I go in the with A/K and get an ace on the flop and a king on the turn but lose to the Wheel on the river and GG me. I bet to take away the odds for trying for a gutshot or for a flush but some players have money to burn and they stay in hands no matter what and have been hitting way too often.
I was really looking forward to this Christmas break so I could play hours and hours of poker but I never expected to get beat by so many donkeys in so many ways.

Today's brew is Old Rasputin Imperial Stout brewed at North Coast Brewing Company of California. Their sites describes this brew as:
Produced in the tradition of 18th Century English brewers who supplied the court of Russia's Catherine the Great, Old Rasputin seems to develop a cult following wherever it goes. It's a rich, intense brew with big complex flavors and a warming finish.
Beer Advocate gives it an A- in its review and describes it as:
This put the stout in stout. WOW!!! Very black beer with a nice, dark brown head that left nice lacing on the sides of the glass. Smelled mostly of coffee and dark malts. Taste started with strong coffee with a bit of alcohol, followed by lots of hop bitterness. The mouthfeel is very smooth and creamy. This is a very good, strong, sipping beer. A few of these and you will be wrecked so watch out.
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