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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

House Votes Yes On Internet Gambling Ban

The bill would eliminate many forms of Internet gambling and target middlemen such as Internet service providers, banks, and credit card companies that process payments and send money to the offshore Web sites.

You can read the rest of the story here. I cannot tell you how upset this makes me. I think a lot of this comes down to the Fat Cats in Washington aren't taxing gambling so aren't making any money off it. They see billions of dollars escaping the country and want to get their cut. Then they can put pork back into their communities and say, "See what I did for you now go out and reelect me."

Mark my words, if they can tax it they will legalize it.

I think any decision to making online gambling illegal will be countered by a
lawsuit that will take several years to get to the Supreme Court level to be
decided. I think we have at least five more years of internet gambling before
we really have to be concerned.
For the first time in my entire 51 years of life I will be writing my congress person about this. How can they even think to regulate gambling and let the pornography industry flourish online? Do they think we are stupid? I’m sure they get millions of dollars in taxes from Porn. Freedom of speech – bullshit. Pornography wrecks people’s lives a lot more than gambling ever could. I am so mad I could spit.

That being said, go to Poker Savvy and sign up to play at Mansion Poker and Titan Poker and any other site they advertise. You can get Poker Savvy points that you can exchange for some really neat stuff or even for money. If you are not using Poker Savvy when you sign up at a poker room you are losing money.


Blogger Pokerwolf said...

The problem is that they *can't* tax it. Gambling is "the devil's work" or "an evil sin" to a large part of the population (and the demonization of it continues with the "click your mouse and you lose your house" statement that's being thrown around everywhere these days). That means that there's NO chance that the Federal Government can cash in on gambling. (If you ask most people, they don't think that the State Lottery or playing bingo at the local firestation is "gambling".)

So, since they can't tax it, and they have to look like they're "cleaning up America" or whatever to get re-elected this year, this is sort of idiotic stupidity we have to deal with.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the legislation which aims to ban credit cards as a payment method for online gambling of any sort... and i think it should be enforced worldwide – not just in America. In fact, gambling with a credit card should be banned full stop. Not just on the internet. It’s a no brainer when you consider you are placing backing the outcome of an uncertain event with somebody else’s money. Chance and credit do not mix well in my opinion, and continuing to allow it would only contribute further in negatively affecting the high levels of personal debt many citizens today find themselves in. I do however, think that the prohibition won't work; or at least it won’t be received well amongst gamblers - I mean what’s the point in banning a credit card payments made on an online poker game, for example, but not on other kinds of online sports betting? Slightly hypocritical no? I mean how can you allow someone to participate [with or without a credit card] in online horse racing betting, but not put any money on a hand of texas hold’em poker? both activities involve a large degree of chance, and neither are guaranteed to yield financial return.
What really infuriates me is that the minority of irresponsible gamblers [those paying with someone elses money!] have now ruined the fun of online betting for everyone else - those like me who pay with money they actually have in their bank!!
At least for the Americans there is always the free online poker games!

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7:45 AM  

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