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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Postponing Limit Challenge

I am postponing my Limit Challenge for a couple of weeks and maybe until August 1st. I am not ready yet as I have read Miller and Sklansky once and am in second time through now. If I am going to do this challenge, I want to be prepared the best I can so I can win it and not bust out and have to start over. So far my .10/.20 games are not anything to write home about. I can't believe what these people play and win with. On one game tonight I saw a guy play 5/k, 4/6, and 7/J all offsuit and win every hand with trip Kings, and two straights. One was against me after raising preflop and playing aggressive. He just called my bets and got his straight on the river. I know you want to play this guy a lot as he can't continue to win with those cards but it is soooooo frustrating to have a good hand and play it correctly only to lose. None of my cards hit on the flop. The hands I won were with aggressive play after the flop.

If I can't beat the lower limit games, how am I going to win my challenge. I have to play smart, play less hands and stay aggressive. I think I am doing a couple of those things but still am playing too many hands.

Read, read, and reread and practice, practice, practice until I get better. I'll keep you posted.


Blogger Andres Silva said...

For what it's worth, I'm finding that anything I might have learned from SSH, SS1 or 2, etc are pretty much wasted on the micro and low limit tables. The play as you've noted is so horrible that you're better off just playing tight agressive by the numbers poker. Stick with your group 1-3 or 4 hands and bludgon the fish with them. Yes, the suckouts will come and they will hurt, but I've lost more money with fancy play at these levels than I've won. In general, the players you are up against are not that sofisticated so fancy play is wasted on them. That being said, you have to respect someone who will apparently play any two cards and pay attention to their betting patterns to determine if/when they hit their garbage hand and get out of the way. The best way to do that is make sure you've always got good table position against these types of players, or when out of position that you're playing a group 1 or 2 hand.

2:30 AM  

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