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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Time to get ready for Golf!

March is suppose to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb but right now in Michigan, March is arriving with just a bit of flurries and above average temperatures. Now is the time to get into shape for a long summer of golf.

My new home in Lansing has a wonderful little gym set up that I have been using since we moved here to lose some additional weight I added over the winter and to get ready for golf. I have been walking/jogging on the treadmill and lifting weights with high repititions and low weight to put more staying power into my muscles instead of just brute strength. I will be adding weight as I get farther along into the spring.

Right now everything I am doing is to lose weight and get into golf shape. I need to stretch a bit more though.
I am swinging a weighted club that I made, similar to the Momentus. I'll probably start hitting in an inside dome driving range this week-end.

The Momentus and the Medicus dual hinged golf club are probably the two best training clubs a golfer can own. The nice thing about them is that you just simply swing them to develop your game. You swing the Momentus to build up your golfing muscles and it will keep your swing on plane. Then you use the Medicus to tweak your swing as it will tell you where your faults lie. Are you taking the club back too quick? Are you laid off on your back swing? Are you coming over the top on your down swing? All of these faults are revealed by using the Medicus.
I will probably start having a lot more golf content and less poker content in my blog from here on out. I am still fighting with Absolute to get my account profile fixed so I can play there and, hopefully, withdraw my money. I cannot belive how poor the customer service is. I am truly disgusted with Online Poker, the UIGEA and the bastards that pushed it through and the on-line poker rooms and the way they treat you when you have a problem. 'Nuff said.


Blogger lightning36 said...

I will definitely have to come here for golf tips. I have just started playing and know that so far I play better after having a few drinks.

5:53 PM  

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