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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Digs!

The Wolverine Fan Clan has made the move to Lansing, Michigan and it has already paid off in dividends. My previous commute was 61 miles one way and I would allow at least 75 minutes for the trip when you include parking and walking into the building to offically report to work.
Today there was a major storm blowing all through the midwest and I left all of five minutes early for my new 6 mile commute to work. I allowed myself 20 minutes to make it to work because of the snow and blowing. What a pleasure to say that. 20 minutes to get to work on the worse weather day of the year. Normally I would have allowd 90 minutes for my commute.
Here is where I will be this summer when I am not on the golf course. No mowing grass, tilling the garden, working on the house for me anymore!! Yippee!!
_________________________ has a new feature, CardPlayer TV. It is really neat. They are showing different segments on the web using a TV news type format. The segments are just about 4 minutes long which is a great length to watch. They have everything from the latest Poker News to poker Strategy and biographies of different professional poker players.
I have watch 4 or 5 segments so far and have really enjoyed it. Check it out and I think you will look forward to seeing it every day.


Blogger WindBreak247 said...

Maybe you talked about this, or maybe you're not interested in sharing, but I'm interested in knowing what motivates someone to move from a house (that I presume you owned and were gaining equity in) to an apartment (where your monthly payment goes to someone else and not yourself).

I don't mean to offend or step out of bounds. But usually you see people going the other way.

Regardless, the massively diminished commute is gonna be amazing for you, plus...a pool!

11:50 AM  

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