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I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

How about this Scenario??

Juan Valdez, well known Rooster owner and Cock Fighter in the State of Nuevo Loredo, Mexico was arrested today by deputized agents of the ASCPA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) while on a business trip to Phoenix, Arizona.

Mr Valdez was in the process of purchasing some roosters from a local Phoenix farm for the purpose of breeding hens in his egg production business. The Deputies of the ASCPA said the roosters were fighting Cocks and Mr. Valdez had purchased them to use in cock fights in Mexico.

The Deputies of the ASCPA stated that Cock Fighting is illegal in the United States so Mr. Valdez's purchase of the cocks for fighting was in violation of U.S. Law as the United States does not allow the sport of Cock Fighting.

In Mexico, cockfights are a legal activity, regulated from a central entity in the Federal District which licenses the sponsor and gives him the right and responsibility of assuring the regulations are followed and that order is maintained.

Mr. Valdez posted bail of $100,000 dollars.
If they can do it for online gambling/poker, why not for Cock Fighting? It is legal in another country but not in ours so similarities are there.


Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

I think that it is wrong. Intent should not make the crime. If I intend to use a cock for a fight, then I think it is kind of cute, and decide to spare it and make it my pet then should I be arrested because I originally INTENDED to use it for fighting. The ASCPA should arrest people at the scene of a cockfight or after a cockfigh for breaking the law, not just for contemplating breaking the law or in this case contemplating not breaking any US law which makes his arrest even more moronic.

11:34 AM  

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