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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Need Help My Fellow Poker Bloggers

I need help from my fellow Poker bloggers but to get to what, why, where, I need to give you some background and that entails focusing on questions number 3 and 19 of TripJax’s 21 questions.
Question 3 is Why do you play poker? And question 19. is What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
These two questions have basically the same answer for me.
I play poker for two reasons, to make money and because I love the game. My goal is to make enough money so that I won’t have to work my part time job in the spring, which pays for my golf.
My primary goal for playing online poker is to make money. I presently work for the second largest information technology and business process outsourcing services worldwide. That is where I make my primary income that keeps my household in the lifestyle we presently enjoy. I put in an average of 45 hours per work not counting the 2 hour commute. In the spring I have a part time job with a company, which boasts more than 21 million tax customers, is the leading tax return preparer in the US; it also prepares tax returns in Canada, Australia, and the UK. If you can guess which companies I am employed by, good for you. This job is to make enough money to pay for my golf membership at the local golf course plus a little left over for things I want, i.e. funding my online poker.
My goal is to make enough money playing poker so that I will not have to have my part time job in the spring and, hopefully, to help pay for a nice summer vacation. I want Online Poker to be my part time job. A job that I can work from my home, make my own hours and work as hard or as long as I want to. A job that really doesn’t feel like a job because you enjoy it so much. It would be like playing golf for a living. How can you not love that? We are talking about $2000 to $3000 dollars a year. How hard can that be? I only have to average winnings of $10 dollars a day for about 300 days of poker play to reach my goals. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been that easy. I am probably averaging .50 cents a day in poker winnings. Not much but winnings none-the-less. I keep telling myself that you have to learn to walk before you can learn to run. Right now I am still crawling. I thought I was ready to walk but have taken a hit in the last week and am questioning whether I can get up off my hands and knees yet.
Now how do I accomplish my goal of making an average of $10 dollars a day playing poker? Any help my fellow bloggers can give me will be greatly appreciated. What site should I be playing on? Right now I am playing the majority of the time on Absolute Poker but am considering putting a $100 dollar bank roll on Poker Stars. What game should I be playing? Right now I play MTT and SitNGos on Absolute. I play very little limit or no limit ring games. The low limit (micro limit) ring games on Absolute don’t get much play at the nine player table. They do have a lot of 6 Max games but I am not a big fan of 6 Max as the people come and go so fast that you can’t get a read on them and often times you are playing with only 3 and 4 players instead of six. This means the blinds come around a lot faster and if you play tight you are losing quite a bit of money to the blinds before you even play a hand.
My request of my fellow bloggers is to help me with which site I should be playing and which game I should be playing to achieve my goals. I know there will be a lot of questions about what type of player I am and what do I consider my best game, my best qualities as a poker player. I would like to hear what you have to say and then answer those questions as they come up. I thing that will allow me to better formulate an answer that will be more specific for the questions that are asked. Thanks in advance for the help.


Blogger Pokerwolf said...

Now how do I accomplish my goal of making an average of $10 dollars a day playing poker?

There are 8 bazillion ways to do this in poker, to be honest.

My best suggestion is to tell you to learn the basics inside and out, then try a bunch of different games and find out what you're best at. Once you do that, learn how to crush that game while improving everywhere else.

You'll want to play at Stars and Party Poker. They're the biggest aquariums on the planet.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I agree with wolf. Focus on the basics, learn the game and then move up a level and repeat.

As far as sites go, I'm currently playing primarily at FullTilt. They've got enough players to have decent table selection, but not so many that you never see the same players at the table twice. Generally every time I sit at a .5/1 table I see 1 or 2 players that I have played with (and have PT numbers on). That rarely happens at Stars or Party because there are sooo many players. I played at Absolute for about 1 month while trying to clear a PSO bonus but I really didn't like it - table selection, game selection, user interface - all were lacking IMO.

11:09 PM  

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