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Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States

I play my poker at Full Tilt, Poker Stars and Absolute Poker as LZFSB3. I golf at Prairie Creek Golf Course and carry an 11 handicap.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Poker Questions compliments TripJax (Poker In Arrears)

The following Survey was obtained from Tripjax. Feel free to fill it out in comment section or go to Tripjax's Blog and complete survey.

1. What is the biggest mistake people make at a NL table?
Overplaying Ace/King

2. What is the biggest mistake people make at a Limit table?
Overplaying low pocket pairs

3. Why do you play poker?
I play poker in hopes of making a part time living out of it. Hope to make enough money to pay for golf and, possibly, vacations.

4. If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing?
Golfing, reading books and magazines

5. What is your favorite poker book and why?
Phil Gordon’s Little Green Book of Poker because it is short and concise and more geared to experienced players and not beginners.

6. Who is your favorite poker player and why?
Phil Gordon. I think he is a class act.

7. Which poker player do you dislike the most and why?
Phil Helmuth. He is an ass.

8. Do your coworkers know about your blog?

9. What is the most you have won in a cash game or MTT (both live and online)?

10. What is the most you have lost in a cash game or in one day total (both live and online)?

11. Who was your first poker blog read?
Tao of Poker by the good doctor.

12. What satisfies you more, your aces holding up for a big pot or a bluff working for a big pot?
Aces holding up.

13. Why do you blog?
I would like to be one of the “blogger community” that includes your self, Dr. Pauly, Dugglebogey, Otis, Izzy, Grubby, Maudie, Alcan’thang, et al.

14. Do you read blogs from an RSS reader like bloglines or do you visit each blog?
Visit each blog

15. Would you rather play poker for a living than do what you currently do for a living?
Play poker.

16. Do you wear a tin foil hat on occasion?

17. If you had to pin it down to one specific trait, what does a great poker player have (or do) that separates them from an average player?
Excellent math skills and analytical mind.

18. Is Drizz the coolest person on the planet for naming his baby Vegas?
Of course

19. What is your primary poker goal and are you close to accomplishing it?
See number 3, maybe get into WSOP

20. What is your primary online site and why?
Absolute Poker. I like the layout.

21. What site do you dislike and why?
Party Poker. I cannot win there. I get my ass kicked all the time at party.


Blogger bngolfn said...

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who gets beat at Party Poker. Seems like every 3 or 4 months they give me $30 and I play the 5+1 SNG's and I can't cash. My main site is Poker Stars and I am in the money over 40% of the time.

I believe it must be the blind structure and stack size. I likr Stars bigger stack and slower blind structure. More time to play quality cards.

Cool Blog, keep up the good work.

11:52 PM  

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